Sunday, December 30, 2012

Day 60

Day 60. December 30, 2012

I spent some time today looking back at all the posts I have put on this blog. I’m incredibly pleased with the growth of no only my beard, but of my writing style. I went from a couple lines a day that just said, “hey my beard got longer. Good day,” to outrageously long posts like the one I had last night. This one will be another like the latter. I started getting into philosophical points on Day 7. I’m going to make a list here of all the things I learned throughout this experience, and, through me, I hope you learned as well.

 1.       Find something that means a lot to you and stick to it.
 2.       Figure out your weaknesses, and work to strengthen them.
 3.       Never compromise who you are, no matter what anyone says or thinks.
 4.       “The sooner you embrace change as an inevitability, the better time you'll have.”
 5.       Find any and every excuse you can to come together with your family.
 6.       History is being written right now, and you are closer than you think to having a full page in the history books.
 7.       Take every chance you can to do the right thing. Your original plan isn’t always the best one.
 8.       Live every day like it’s Thursday. (Day 29)
 9.       Love as much as you can. Read 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 and live by it.
 10.   Embrace the bad times, because, without them, the good ones don’t seem as good.
 11.   “When things seem the most difficult, that's the point in time where you need to stop worrying and start believing.”
12.   Even the saddest person in the world could take a step back and find something to be thankful for. 13.   “We're all put on this earth with a message to share, and it's somewhere deep inside us. It's up to us to find that message and share it with the world, because it's pretty special.”
 14.   No matter how busy you are, time stays consistent.
 15.   Surround yourself with positive people. It will rub off.
 16.   Take time to help someone in need, given the chance, no matter how busy you are. It will be worth it in the end.
 17.   The world needs more love stories, and it’s up to us to write them and live them.
 18.   Time is precious. We don’t know how much time we have left. Make every moment special.
 19.   The news is just a story without a conclusion. We need to be the ones to write it.
 20.   Surround yourself with people who you can have the best time with, no matter what you’re doing.
 21.   Miracles happen every day. Maybe not in the form you’re expecting, but they do.
 22.   Everything happens for a reason. Never lose hope. God is always with you.

With all those things in mind, I sadly, but lovingly bid you all adieu. This is my last beard post, and even though it's all coming to an end, I'm just happy that I could reach all of you through this medium. My beard was the main reason for starting this, but what kept me going was all of you. Keep being yourself, and never let anyone stop you from being the best you that you can possibly be.

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