Sunday, December 30, 2012

Day 58-59

Day 58-59. December 28-29, 2012

So yeah I missed posting last night. To an extent, I'm a firm believer that the later you wake up in the morning (or afternoon), the better night you had, and this is true for me other than those times where you're having deep conversations with someone who is incredibly unhappy with you, which I'm sure we've all been through, but let's just call that the exception that proves the rule. This is coming from me, a guy who never parties or does anything illegal, outside of the harmless forkings. Friday night was an adventure, with a bunch of the guys finding a new place to hang out in a town we really weren't familiar with. When we meet new people, they immediately know we're fun-loving dudes. We were invited to go out and get plastered, but we decided against it, since we get silly enough just from being tired at 3am, and alcohol would just, quite frankly, make things dangerous, I imagine it like when Ricky Bobby thinks he's on fire, only we're all doing it in a very small area with a lot of breakable objects. It's funny how things happen for a reason, because me being up late turned out to set me up with a great conversation with someone I don't talk to enough, and this wasn't one of those aforementioned unhappy ones, it was quite the opposite. Like I was saying, I woke up at 1 or 2 pm after the craziness, which isn't too bad, all things considered. Today wasn't as exciting, going into the blustery snow to get wine coolers for new year's for my mom and her friends was the most exciting thing that happened (and just so we're clear, my mom never drinks either, and this is just for new year's). The lull from all the insanity gave me a chance to think about the upcoming changes, the main one being the year, but for most people, it's a new beginning. Every year, I make resolutions, and, over time, I lose all of the zeal that I had when I first made them. Sticking to things like that has been a big issue for me over the years, but I'm hoping that the experiences I've had keeping this blog for this long has been some foreshadowing of what is to come. Maybe one of my resolutions will be to keep my resolutions going. Hopefully that makes things harder to go back on. It seems like in years past, I have hit the new year ground running, with a good setup around me and a firm head on my shoulders, but this year... I'm not sure. I'm not saying that I don't have those things this year as well, but maybe it's just me wanting more out of life as time goes by, which I think we all should. I've told many people throughout the past week that I'm going to make sure 2013 is the best year I've ever had. It will be. I'm going to make sure of it. Resolution Revolution 2013. Make it, don't break it.

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