Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Day 41

Day 41. December 11, 2012

Today was the longest day I have had in a long time. The funny thing about music majors during finals week is that, even though we may not have that many finals, we practice like crazy. At least that's what I have seen. Today had no finals on the agenda, but I spent literally 10 straight hours at the music building working on this and that. I noticed today that a lot of what I was doing had to do with who I was with. I've always been a firm believer that people are a result of their surroundings, whether it be because of them or in spite of them. If you surround yourself with people who work hard, you're probably going to do the same. There was one point in the day where I was just doing my thing, and I came across the Bible study group that I attend every once in awhile, but I had been missing a lot recently, and, just going with the flow, I decided to join them and get some coffee. It kind of energized me for a couple more hours of practice. It's one of those things where you need to go with the flow and not be afraid to try something different, and if you're hanging around positive people, you're doing to have a much better time. Simple ideas, but it can make big changes in your life.

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