Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Day 42

Day 42. December 12, 2012.

First things first, this is going to be a hurried post, even more just putting what I think down and not looking back. I have another looooooong day ahead of me tomorrow, and I need my sleep, stat. I just want to say how I feel about something, and it's kind of religious, so for those of you who aren't into that, I apologize for speaking my mind (not really). One of my main beliefs is that, no matter how busy you are or how little time you have, if you take the time to help someone in need, God will help you through the things that you need to get done. Everyone nowadays is so into their schedule and getting things done on time with no interruptions, but that's no way to live. We're given the opportunity to help people in need every day, believe it or not, and if we keep our eyes open for these opportunities, we're gonna spread that joy. Those little things you do for people, the results are exponentially bigger than the action itself. You can make someone's day just by spending a little bit of time helping them. Something to think about. And now, I sleep.

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