Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Day 34

Day 34. December 4, 2012.

I am beyond burnt out. Let's call it burnt in. You can clearly see that from my photo here. Awhile back I had compared my light scruff to looking like a dirty old bum. Now I regret saying that, since I now believe that the true dirty old bum from inside me is showing his true colors. I had the stirring urge to tie a handkerchief to a stick and hop one of the thousand trains in Indiana today. Now I finally understand why. With the most stressful time of the semester upon us, I am hearing from a lot of people that they're stressed for seemingly no reason. I think it's just rubbing off from a few people, since some of us are more stressed than ever, even if this week is one of the easiest in awhile. I always like to give a smile to random people I walk past, believing that it may have a butterfly effect and just make someone's day somehow. And if you're having trouble cheering up, grow a beard. It helps. That means you, ladies.

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