Sunday, December 16, 2012

Day 46

Day 46. December 16, 2012

Days 44 and 45 will live in infamy, this I am sure of. The one day I didn't post a picture, the other I didn't do a blog post. I apologize to everyone for that. Now that I'm at home, it's harder to be around and post every night. Spending a lot of time with the family or the bros, and that gets pretty late at times. Anyway, the apocalypse is coming up. Do you have anything planned? I'm thinking I might have a get-together and watch the world go up in flames while munching on some snacks and sippin'  Mountain Dew (the poor man's Chardonnay). I sincerely feel like people have been putting off Christmas shopping because, in the back of their mind, they're afraid of the upcoming apocalypse. How does that make any sense? It's not like you get to keep all of that money when you're dead. But in all seriousness, I don't believe in that stuff and I think we're all going to be fine. If nothing else, it's another excuse to have a crazy party and get silly. That's the spirit.

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