Sunday, November 18, 2012

Day 18

Day 18. November 18, 2012

The times, they are a-changing. Yes my beard is getting longer, and yes you have the pleasure of seeing it happen little by little, but there are those moments when you see someone that you haven't seen in a long time, then you realize that not everything progresses as slowly as that beard you're seeing posted on Facebook and this blog every day. I went to my home church for the first time in a long time, since I have been at college for awhile, and it was so interesting to see all of the changes. Whether they're good, bad, or lateral, big changes over time always leave you kind of shaken. I think it's cool that that's what happens. You see someone you haven't seen in awhile, give them a big hug, then, in mid-hug, you mutter to yourself, "who am I hugging?" Obviously that wasn't the case today, since I had only been gone for a little while, but the point here is that change is a huge part of life, and the sooner you embrace change as an inevitability, the better time you'll have. :)

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